Looking for things to do this weekend? It’s right here.
First of all, to start this off. A friend of Rift, and many local bands for over twenty years. Steve Harm at The Warehouse along with The Warehouse Alliance, which is a LaCrosse, WI all age venue needs your help. Riftmagazine.com will be having a story about the venue and Harm shortly, but you can read their story about what they are going through and hopefully donate a little here. They are trying to raise $4000 today.
Local Album Releases:
Irie Sol’s CD Release could double as a dinner date. Check out their video.
Poor Lemuel is a little bit of older nostalgia, with a new twist. Check out a track and catch them at their release show.
The Persian Leaps take their catchy indie pop to the next level. Release Show / Video.
John Louis has nothing to be sorry about with his raw new release. Check out “So Sorry” and the release show.
Other Notable Shows:
The Mad Ripple Hootenanny – with Nick Hensley, John Louis, Sarah Streitz, and M.p. Latterell.
Check out this interview Rift did with M.P. Latterell.
Step Rockets at The Triple Rock – Get a Free Mixtape and other prizes. It’s dreamy pop night at The Triple Rock.
Larry Wish & His Guys, Chruth Fabian, Paleo Nath and Doc Foxer at the Kitty Cat Klub. Keep your musical mind open for this one. It might get weird.
Local News and Links:
The Twin Cities Producer’s circle is a cool new arts organization, they are holding their open house 9/25, all you need to do is RSVP.
Check out
Reviews of the new Low album and Motion City Soundtrack’s new one at City Pages.
Cool article on Public Functionary on The Line Media website.
This looks like a cool thing to be checking out if you dig The West Bank and local music history. It’s the West Bank crash course.
Send all press releases, links and all other local related fun to – riftpress@gmail.com
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