The continuing adventures of local touring musician Luke Redfield.
“If a dude kills it in a forest…”
Such was the wisdom insult from the sound guy following my set in Oceanside. Truth. I’d just played my heart out to a crowd of loud drunks. Little did he know, this venue — though filled with cursing sailors, shot-chugging lieutenants, and vodka-loving surf bros — was quieter than a church on Good Friday when compared to the debacle in Vegas a couple nights earlier.
I did it. I played in Vegas. They pulled the plug on me halfway because I wasn’t “loud” enough. Ironic thing is the place was packed and loving it while I was on stage and literally emptied once I stepped off. Former soap star Peter Love (featured on NBC’s Another World) ran sound. Dude from a Blink 182 cover band, Blink 18too, shook my hand and said: “I know this is a shitty gig but you’ve got great stuff and this will get you to the next town.” Sold 3 CDs. Padded the email list with whiskey drunks. One of two black men in the audience requested Jason Mraz, while the other kept shouting “MINNEAPOLIS!” after each song. They sang along and danced to “Down the Line” — a song I played 3 times for its catchy, anyone-can-learn chorus — and I made a new super fan in a beer pong expert from Lincoln, NE who was mystified by the fact I had recently eaten in Kearney.
What a spectacle. I was counting on California to redeem me.
And — in a strange, philosophical comment from a sound guy who can see and hear beyond the madness — it did.
I wish I could have a day off at the beach. Lord knows I deserve it.
But Texas is calling.

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