Maybe because I tend to have my eggs in multiple baskets, day job, music blog, music, writing etc…. It always intrigues me to see other people doing multiple things and seemingly doing well at them.
Over the years from afar, I have seen Will Maravelas keep churning out CDs in his co-op label Zero Budget Records, playing in multiple bands and also recording bands. Plus also having a day job at Guitar Center.
Marvelas gives some good insight into what keeps him going the local metal scene and what it’s like to sell music these days.
Rift: You seem to have a lot of things going on, what are the all the things you do.
Will: I’ve been a musician for over 20 years, playing guitar and drums in various bands, recording both on my own musical projects and others as well. Music, I have always joked is the drug that I couldn’t quit, that shit is just in my veins.
Currently, I am involved in several projects and discussing starting others as music for me is a living, breathing thing. I play guitar and do vocals in Death Metal band We are Legion (will be 10 years in December), we have released 2 records and discussing plans for a third in 2017. Lots to figure out with that first, but hoping to continue doing that band if everything works out. We have released two albums and a live album so far; our debut “The institution of Disharmony” and “Exit Humanity”, plus live at the Triple Rock which was a super limited release.
Plague of Stars is my gothic doom band, currently on hiatus, but discussing doing something in the future. We have released one full length so far entitled “When Morning Came”.
My rock band Hawthorn Guild where I am the drummer has released two full-length albums in the last 10 years, we are very inactive. We formed in college as a drinking band but stuck together because of our friendships. We get together every couple years, write an album, play shows, and record. It’s pretty not serious, but pretty fun.
I just finished recording a solo album where I played everything: a grind death project called Insect Death, that album comes out September 3rd on Zerobudget Records and Twin Town Tyrant Records.
The thing that consumes most of my time these days is my recording studio 14:59 studios which I own with Zachary Letourneau from Andraste’s Rage. We have done something like 20 albums in 2016 so far…it’s been nuts. I could make a list but a) it’s too big and b) no one cares. But seriously come record here, I love it!
I also volunteer for Zerobudget Records, work for Guitar center, fill in for friends bands….I stay busy. Thinking about starting a punk band with one friend, a death metal band with another….yeah too many maybes haha.
Rift: So you have have been releasing music on Zero Budget Records for almost 25 years, what keeps it going?
Will: Honestly there is no magic bullet. The bands and I run the label. So the amount of releases is directly propionate to how active all of us together. It’s more of a collective than a traditional Ponzi scheme record label. It’s run by volunteers and the artists involved with the label. We all work together (in my opinion) for the betterment of all of us.
It’s not about money at all, it’s about music; quality and diverse music. Punk, Rock all the way to death metal. I think what keeps it going is all of us truly just love music.
We release 5-10 albums a year depending on band plans and finances. We are in the middle of filming a documentary for our 30th anniversary (yes its been that long). We are hoping to release that next year sometime.
The label began in LaCrosse Wisconsin, my home town, and grew into an amazing rock and roll all ages venue called the Warehouse. They have been doing shows there with no alcohol sales for 22 years. It’s amazing they kept going as well. It’s a struggle, but same reason as the label; music for music sake.
Rift: How many years have you been playing in bands? Can you name them all? Are they all metal bands?
Will: I am going to try to name them all. I am sure I will miss some. I have been playing in bands between here and Wisconsin since I was 12, not all metal bands. I won’t include the fill-ins or we would be here all day. Biowar, Fallout, Failure 13, Circles Silence, And hope to Die, Hawthorn Guild, Cold Colours, We are Legion, Plague of Stars, Insect Death…bands I’ve recorded for and with…yeah way too many to list there.
Rift: When did you start the recording studio and what was the evolution of that?
Will: The current studio 14:59 studios, has been my longest running and most successful. Zach (Letourneau) and I started this one about 6 years ago I think. 2015 was the busiest year, and 2016 has already surpassed that. I am proud to building the studio name through good ol’ fashion hard work and quality recordings. We don’t really advertise, its all word of mouth. We are grateful our clients trust us and send their friends to us. It’s pretty damn rewarding.
Before that, I worked with Bimanic Studio for a few years which is also still going. Actual sound Studio in LaCrosse gave me my start, good ol’ running for coffee and splicing tape and learning. I am so thankful to Mike von Muchow for giving me that opportunity. He still gives me advice regularly on my studio. He is still going strong with music and his studio, and he does it on his own terms, which I greatly admire and respect.
Rift: The genre you tend to gravitate to, is metal. Locally is there a scene for it and is there a list of local genres of metal?
Will: The metal scene here is pretty strong and truly pretty incestuous. This guy use to play with this guy in this band, he’s in this band with this guy who played with this girl…etc. Everyone is interconnected somehow.
There are a lot of strong personalities but the greater majority of people are really friendly and cool. I would like to think we are above judgment and genre, but no one is perfect. I think as a whole we have a strong scene and strong core of people.
I’ve become one of the “dads” of the scene and I know that, but hey music has no age limit. As long as I can physically play metal, I will. I grew up listening to punk, grind and death metal, but also love rock and roll, industrial and alternative too. I even recently did a hip-hop rock band at the studio and was fun doing something different.
If you are passionate about music, we can be friends. If you are in it for any other reason, I can sniff it out. It’s all about passion for me; I fortunate to be able to make a couple bucks making music, that’s pretty rare. I am quite thankful for that.
Rift: You have probably seen the differences in releasing physical product over the years along with digital – What’s your take on it?
Will: If you want to be successful you have to adapt to the digital age, but keep in mind metal is still the best SELLING genre of physical music (in general). Who will be the biggest sellers in metal this year.
Metal fans collect, they like CDs they like vinyl, hell some of them even buy cassettes. We proudly display our t-shirts, we wear them at shows, its who we are. I don’t fear digital distribution, I fear bands and labels getting lazy.
The only way to sell your music is to play shows and get it in the record store. Being an independent artist has never been easier. The playing field has been leveled between the big labels and the little guy. But you have to have a plan and you have to execute the plan to be successful.
The market is oversaturated just do to the information overload of the internet. It’s hard to not get caught in the click this world of facebook or the metal sites. It’s hard to stand out in that type of environment. It pushes bands, though, which is a great motivator.
Rift: Working at Guitar center, any advice for people buying their first instrument or buying gear in general?
Will: Talk to people, know your budget and what you want to do musically, then play A LOT OF INSTRUMENTS that fit that bill. Your ears and hand’s, even as a beginner, you can feel and hear quality.
Take lessons of some kind, youtube or in person, with a friend, find a way to challenge yourself immediately to build a practice routine.
Don’t buy a guitar with a whammy bar as your first instrument, it’s a terrible idea. Regardless of how cool, you think it is. Don’t be afraid to look at used, my favorite guitar I own was bought used and I love the crap out of it.
Rift: Any horror stories, or if had a do-over on something that has happened musically what would it be?
Will: Drugs and drinking too much. Not to sound too much like an old man, but if you drink too much before a show, your show, and your reputation will suffer.
I’ve been clean for a very long time and don’t recommend getting wrapped up in, but that stereotype exists for a reason. It’s out there, I would rather say that up front versus trying to poo poo it.
I mean the real shit too, smoke pot if you want, that hardly qualifies. I enjoy a drink still, especially the local dudes: Surly and Summit, but yeah, I try to not get nutty.
Rift: If you could give a piece of advice about anything, what would it be?
Will: Practice and be on time. I got involved with studio work for two simple reasons, I showed up on time and I could play (drums) to a click track. That got me involved with studio work at a young age and has propelled my current standing musically.
It’s that simple, be on time, be a pro and have fun. This is rock and roll; if you are stressing out, you are doing it wrong.
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