Metal and Punk, what’s not to love about United Teachers of Music. They put out an album back in November of 2017, called The Dreams of Beasts Must Die. The guitars are ferocious, the bass and drums keep it all together and the vocals channel a mix of Rob Halford and Jello Biafra. Turn this track up when you are listening to it.
Former Worlds : Livid : Cwlv : Octopede
saturday night. purchase your drinks on the barside of the abyss.
Former Worlds {mindwarping postmetal}
Livid {doomcrushers}
Cwlv {blackened and angular}
Octopede {progpunks}
Listen – Hatebeast – Vulture Comittee

Luckily in a big city like ours, we have a pretty awesome metal scene. Unfortunately, since Rift is such a small operation we miss most of the metal stuff coming out. If your interested in writing metal reviews for us, let us know. We were able to get an interview with local metal guy Will Marvelas about his label and bands earlier, you should check it out.
Hatebeast’s new album Sky Burial came out back on October, 7th. Check out the track “Vulture Committee”
Interview – Will Maravelas – Zero Budget Records and More…

Maybe because I tend to have my eggs in multiple baskets, day job, music blog, music, writing etc…. It always intrigues me to see other people doing multiple things and seemingly doing well at them.
Over the years from afar, I have seen Will Maravelas keep churning out CDs in his co-op label Zero Budget Records, playing in multiple bands and also recording bands. Plus also having a day job at Guitar Center. [Read more…] about Interview – Will Maravelas – Zero Budget Records and More…
Listen – Catbath – Ta-Da (from Nervous Breakthroughs Split EP)
[bandcamp width=350 height=470 album=2725278888 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false]
Amazing and eclectic 4 band, 4 song split EP.
The bands include – Catbath, Strange Relations, Whatever Forever and Daisy Chains.
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